Benefits of Displaying Your USDOT Number Larger | Save Time At Weigh Stations & Avoid Problems

Why should your display your USDOT number larger?

The minimum size to display your usdot number is 2 inches in height. At this height, it must be visible from a distance of at least 50 feet away. The larger you display your DOT number, the easier your time on the road will be. Truck scales & weight stations will have an easier time reading your regulation numbers and lower the chances of being stopped or inspected. Also, it shows that you are compliant and not hiding or avoiding anything. If you are involved in an accident, your USDOT is the first thing authorities look for to hold who is at fault accountable.

A 2 inch lettering decal can be seen from a distance of 50 feet away.

A 3 inch lettering decal can be seen from a distance of 75 feet away.

A 4 inch lettering decal can be seen from a distance of 100 feet away.

Below are some examples of how a different size USDOT number would look on your commercial vehicle.


2 inch usdot number decal


3 inch usdot number decal

4 inch usdot number decal